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Monoculture fails to support #sustainablefarming 'We can't think about agriculture the way we did in the past," say… https://t.co/RX94Peam1Y

@MASSeeds twitter

New year, new ambitions, new seeds - let's see what we can grow together in 2022!🎉🚜🌱🌻


@MASSeeds twitter

The best thing about working with our customers and with our teams is that together, we're making a positive change… https://t.co/RPjy0n7Y69

@MASSeeds twitter

Go team Mexico! Congratulations on presenting for the first time at one of the most prominent #agricultural fairs i… https://t.co/6DZ84tOE2x

@MASSeeds twitter

🇫🇷 #MASSeeds est heureux de vous annoncer l’arrivée de notre nouveau PDG : Pierre Flye Sainte Marie. Il continuera… https://t.co/80AKJlLnY2

@MASSeeds twitter

🇬🇧 #MASSeeds is delighted to announce the appointment of our new #CEO, Pierre Flye Sainte Marie. He will continue t… https://t.co/fOTN47WZIj

@MASSeeds twitter

Sustainable genetic improvements are essential for the demand for #sunflower products. MAS Seeds has spent 40 years… https://t.co/1oD4dblV3s

@MASSeeds twitter

Did you know it can take up to 10 years to develop a new #seed variety? 🌱🌻
Sunflower Breeding Lead Mihaela Patrasco… https://t.co/hVEqluddx2

@MASSeeds twitter

Click to see how for the past 40 years, MAS Seeds' #sunflower breeders have developed and improved drought reliance… https://t.co/hidwJHMDb3

@MASSeeds twitter

Today growers have more than doubled their #sunflower yield, but it's not only the yield that's improving. The cook… https://t.co/G6KKSgYJpu

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